Friday, May 31, 2019

Quake inverse square root, an explanation

It's been months since I last posted because, well, I'm not really into the whole blogging thing.  But after baking under the hot sun while siding a house, my brain may have skipped a cog because I find myself in the mood to post.

So... I've been sitting on a post explaining the  Quake inverse square root formula.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to reveal how it works, but this video explains the easy part, so there is no point in not sharing that much of it.  It wasn't that difficult to figure out once I actually saw the original formula for calculating the inverse square root.

Since this doesn't explain the "magic number" part, I'll include a hint in what it actually is.
Without further adieu... what does it replace?
The range of possible answers to that is limited to what the regular formula calculates... sort of.