Thursday, September 21, 2017

VZ Disassembly continued...

I'm waiting on a USB to serial adapter to come from China, so the 68hc11 BASIC is pretty much on hold, and I haven't even looked at the IDE interface since I last mentioned it.  The IDE port doesn't really need to be finished until I can use the 68hc11 board, and that was going to be used by BASIC... so it's not an immediate priority.  I'm working on the VZ ROM disassembly in the time being.

As for the disassembly... there are now enough system variables being labeled by the sed script to where it's possible to identify what many parts of the ROM are doing.

One thing I discovered is that YAZD may not properly handle the RST instruction.  It disassembles it, but it may not treat it like a JP.  This left some commonly called functions as data.  Microsoft used RST to conserve ROM space.  While it certainly works, it also slows down the interpreter.  But regardless of why, it left me having to manually define all the RST calls as entry points.  I have also blindly labeled many other entry points to see what the code looks like.

Anyway... here is another excerpt from the disassembly to give you an idea of how things are shaping up.  There are still system variables left to be defined, some of the entry points I manually created will need to be removed, and comments still need to be added.  But since the process is automated, it only takes seconds to regenerate the disassembly and add or change labels.  Once I create a block of define statements for system variables and label addresses containing string data, I should be able to reassemble the code.  I'm debating on whether to fix the disassembler so it can do a lot of this or to just script it in sed to be done with it.

        ; Referenced from 3747
L3752:  INC     HL
        DEC     BC
        LD      A,C
        OR      B
        JR      NZ,L3743
        LD      HL,7839h
        RES     3,(HL)
        LD      HL,VERIFY_MSG
        LD      HL,OK_MSG
        JP      L36CF

VERIFY_MSG:  DB      0Dh
        DB      56h             ; 'V'
        DB      45h             ; 'E'
        DB      52h             ; 'R'
        DB      49h             ; 'I'
        DB      46h             ; 'F'
        DB      59h             ; 'Y'
        DB      20h             ; ' '
        DB      00h

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

VZ ROM Disassembly

Where the combination of YAZD and sed works, you get code that looks like this.  With a pass through sed adding comments, this could look really good without major code manipulation on my part.

        ; Entry Point
        ; --- START PROC RUN ---
RUN:  JP      Z,L1B5D
        CALL    79C7h
        CALL    L1B61
        LD      BC,1D1Eh
        JR      L1EC1
        ; Entry Point
        ; --- START PROC GOSUB ---
GOSUB:  LD      C,03h
        CALL    L1963
        POP     BC
        PUSH    HL
        PUSH    HL
        LD      HL,(78A2h)
        EX      (SP),HL
        LD      A,91h
        PUSH    AF
        INC     SP
        ; Referenced from 1EAF
        ; --- START PROC L1EC1 ---
L1EC1:  PUSH    BC
        ; Entry Point
        ; --- START PROC GOTO ---
        ; Referenced from 1FC7
        ; --- START PROC L1EC5 ---
        PUSH    HL
        LD      HL,(78A2h)
        RST     0x18

However, YAZD  needs to take configuration input from a file, you should be able to manually identify blocks of data including size/type/length (byte, 16 bit word, string),  entry/data points should have configurable labels instead of manually generated ones, and data labels should automatically be generated as an option.  Using sed works, but it would be nice to complete this in a single step, especially for other people that aren't familiar with Unix/Linux.

One problem with sed is that it can be a bit indiscriminate in how it performs it's search and replace.  Relabeling addresses that are formatted like "L1EC1:" works well, but adding a custom label to actual references to that label (call jp, etc..) can potentially change unrelated values, where YAZD would be able to know the difference.

YAZD is open source, but it's poorly commented.  Figuring out the code takes time (though most of it doesn't look bad), and that's before I make changes.  It just adds more time to an already time consuming process, and I still have to a create a file with comments for the ROM based on existing comments from TRS-80.  At least I don't have to create everything just from the disassembly.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Fedora Plot MC-10

Another comparison of the factory MC-10 ROM vs the modified version.
This is a 3D plot of the "Fedora" hat.
I still have to fix a speed issue with the divide, but it seems stable and all but a handful of programs seem to work.  The ones that don't have some address dependencies that would need to be patched.
Once I fix the divide it should be ready for a final release for 8K.  Many of the changes I have planned for the 68hc11 version will directly work with the 6803.  I plan on saving some of the 68hc11 specific code for last so both versions can be developed in parallel.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I ran across a reverse engineered copy of Extended Color BASIC (mostly just Color BASIC actually) that had been ported to other 6809 systems.  It's been sitting on my hard drive for some time but I had forgotten about it.  At first glance, the math library appears to be very similar to Microcolor BASIC.  I could probably squeeze several changes from my MC-10 code in, but I'll have to locate a more intact version of the original ROMs if they exist.  There are also a couple things I could borrow for the 68hc11 and 6803 versions.  

Saturday, September 9, 2017

IDE/ATA interface details

The IDE/ATA interface I posted is a simple 8 bit design that buffers the high byte of the 16 bit word the interface uses.  It's more what you'd use for a Z80 or 6502 machine than a an 8 bit chip with 16 bit support like the 6803, 68hc11, 6809, etc...  Many of the IDE/ATA interfaces I've looked at treat the high byte as a zero and only use half the storage capacity of a device.  It works but it won't be readable on a PC.

The control lines from the CPLD to the transceiver are not connected because I want to work out the logic require for a 16 bit interface first.  The two bi-directional transceivers required for a 16 bit interface each have 6 control lines, so the control logic will require 12 outputs, multiplexed outputs, or several signals being duplicated between both chips.  The CPLD I selected only has 8 configurable I/O lines.  I know a few signals are duplicates, but the device may be a bit too small.  It's cheap though, so if I can get it to work, someone should be able to built an interface for under $30 using perf board, and that's probably a high estimate.