Friday, March 2, 2018

Testing 1... 2... 3...

Testing some code formatting so it doesn't look ugly anymore.

Using to format the html.
; Simple speed up for MC-10 Microcolor BASIC
; (C) 2018  James Diffendaffer
; May be freely redistributed
; Date:  2/28/2018
; code to patch the CHRGET function on the direct page 
; chrget is used to parse through the BASIC code and gets called a lot.
; by checking the most frequent case in RAM, it saves a 3 clock cycle jmp
; to the remainder of the function in ROM.  

; definitions for the TASM cross assembler needed for 6803 syntax
.MSFIRST           ; Most Significant byte first

#define EQU     .EQU
#define ORG     .ORG
#define RMB     .BLOCK
#define FCB     .BYTE
#define FCC     .TEXT
#define FDB     .WORD
#define END  .END
#define FCS  .TEXT

#define equ     .EQU
#define org     .ORG
#define rmb     .BLOCK
#define fcb     .BYTE
#define fcc     .TEXT
#define fdb     .WORD
#define end  .END
#define fcs  .TEXT

;start of code
 org  $434B   ;1st address after a REM on the first line of codeof the program.
       ;this is constant on startup in Microcolor BASIC

 pshx     ;preserve register contents
 ldaa $F6
 cmpa #$7E    ; is it a jmp instruction?
 bne  exit   ; if not we exit
 ldd  $F7    ; grab the current address JMP calls
 addd #$0105   ; hopefully this will skip the compare & branch now on the direct page
 subd #$0101   ; - to avoid putting a zero in the code. 
 std  $FC    ; save it at the end of the new code

; ldx  #PATCH   ; get the address of our patch code minus 1 (to avoid using LDD 0,X)
 ;pc relative version of ldx to make code relocatable
 bsr  pcRel+1   ; push PC (avoiding zero byte)
 nop      ; origin for PC-relative indexing
 pulx     ; X = pcRel
 ldd  PATCH-pcRel,X    ; get the firs two bytes
 std  $F6    ; save them
 ldd  PATCH-pcRel+2,x    ; get the next two
 std  $F8    ; etc...
 ldd   PATCH-pcRel+4,x
 std  $FA
 pulb     ; restore registers

 rts      ; return to BASIC

; contains the patch
; FCB $F0     ; dummy byte so LDD doesn't have to use LDD 0,X
; org $00F6    ; the address the patch is meant to run at.  Not really needed due to relative branch.
 cmpa      #':'    ; set Z flag if statement separator
 bcs       AA    ; perform more tests if not
 rts       ; return if >= ':' 
AA jmp $E1CC     ; jump to the parser back end.  The address can be dropped 
        ; - because we copy the current one plus 4 now


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