6803 code to print 64 column text on an MC-10 hi-res graphics screen.
- This treats the screen as a 64 column x 24 row screen. There is no terminal emulation but it could be added.
- Most of the optimizations were to the actual text rendering and scrolling code.
- Things like moving screen address calculation from the text rendering to the outer print code would reduce the size, and there is probably still room for some optimization.
- The scroll code pushes bytes to the screen because push requires 1 less clock cycle than pull. The 6303 is exactly the opposite and the scroll would have to be changed for the greatest speed on it.
- This code is a version back, where the font data is still 7 bytes high, and the top byte is just erased. While this works fine for text, it does not suit graphics characters.
- The font data consists of 2 tables, one for characters printed on the left side of the byte, and one for characters printed on the right side. The first version packed the font into a much smaller space, but the bit shifting and masking made the code much slower.
- The entry point is just a demo, and use from an actual program may require changes.
- The beginnings of a 68hc11 version can be seen in the source code.
- As always, Blogger has messed up the code formatting.
;************************************************** ;* File: print64.6803 ;************************************************** ;* Copyright (c) 2008-2015 James Diffendaffer ;************************************************** ;* Description: ;* Emulates a 64 character by 24 line text display using ;* 4 bit wide characters on a 256 * 192 graphics display. ;* This version is for the Tandy MC-10 and 6803 CPU ;* ;* Contains functions to print a string at the current screen location, ;* print strings @ a specific screen location, line wrapping, scrolling, ;* clear screen, the character generator and a font. ;* Characters are stored with identical data in the left and right nibble ;* to make rendering faster and several loops have been unrolled for speed. ;* ;* Loosly based on my VZ200 Z80 code's logic ;************************************************** ;* Version history ;* Version Date Description ;* 2.06 Oct 6, 2015 Initial support for printing 2 characters at once when possible ;* 2.05 Oct 5, 2015 Added ability to invert text, cut some clock cycles from print, fixed a bug in scroll ;* 2.04 Sept 30, 2015 Changed text rendering code to use EOR, saves 1 instruction per pixel height of character ;* 2.03 Sept 28, 2015 Added documentation, ;* 2.02, Sept 26, 2015 Optimizations to print64, changed some comments ;* 2.01, Sept 9, 2015 Optimized print routine, removed some unneeded code, corrected some comments ;* 2.00, Sept 5, 2015 refactored for greater speed. ;* Moved line wrap and scrolling to print function to match Z80 functionality ;* Font changed to use mirroed data in each nibble of the data to eliminate ;* data shifting. ;* Older version information removed with refactoring. ;************************************************** ;include MOTO.h ;defined for tasm. tasm normally doesn't support motorola directives .MSFIRST ; Most Significant byte first #define EQU .EQU #define ORG .ORG #define RMB .BLOCK #define FCB .BYTE #define FCC .TEXT #define FDB .WORD #define END .END #define equ .EQU #define org .ORG #define rmb .BLOCK #define fcb .BYTE #define fcc .TEXT #define fdb .WORD #define end .END ;************************************************** ;MC-10 ROM entry vector addresses ;************************************************** POLCAT equ $FFDC ; Read the keyboard CHROUT equ $FFDE ; Output a character to the current device CRSDON equ $FFE0 ; Turn on the Cassette BLKIN equ $FFE2 ; Write a block of data to the cassette BLKOUT equ $FFE4 ; Read a block of data from the cassette SNDOUT equ $FFE6 ; Sound Output WRTLDR equ $FFE8 ; Write Leader GIVABF equ $FFEA ; Convert 2 bytes to Basic INTCNV equ $FFEC ; Convert BASIC to 2 bytes ;************************************* ; 6803 timer hardware ;************************************* TCSR EQU $0008 ; Timer Control Status Register TIMER EQU $0009 ; Counter OCR EQU $000B ; Output Compare Register OCV EQU $4206 ; Output Compare interrupt Vector ;************************************************** ; MC-10 Graphics hardware definitions ;************************************************** #define screen $4000 ; address of MC-10 screen memory #define vdgport $BFFF ; I/O address to set the VDG mode #define RG6 %00111100 ; RG6 graphics mode bits #define CSS %01000000 ; color set select bit ;************************************************** ;* screen parameters ;* ;* Define the graphics mode you are going to use as 1 ;* This is used to set up all the screen parameters used by ;* the graphics routines so they will work in your ;* chosen mode. ;************************************************** #define GFX_RG6 1 ; Set the mode we will use here ;************************************************** ;* sets up the screen parameters based on define above ;************************************************** #ifdef GFX_RG6 ; parameters for RG6 #define RGMODE 1 ScreenWidth equ 256 ScreenHeight equ 192 BytesPerLine equ ((ScreenWidth)/8) #endif MAX_X equ ScreenWidth-1 MAX_Y equ ScreenHeight-1 ;************************************************** ;page zero variables ;************************************************** org $00A0 ; start of Page 0 variables temp0 rmb 2 ; temporary storage location. used for transfering D to X or X to D etc... temp1 rmb 2 ; temporary storage location. ;OE equ FGCOLOR+1 charptr rmb 2 fscreen rmb 2 fcount rmb 1 ;************************************************** ; location to temporarily hold the stack pointer ; when it is used as a pointer register ;************************************************** stacktmp rmb 2 ;************************************************** ; graphics text routine variables and macros ;************************************************** row rmb 1 col rmb 1 BGColor rmb 2 leftchar rmb 2 rightchar rmb 2 #DEFINE PRINTAT(loc,str) ldd loc \ ldx #str \ jsr print_at #DEFINE PRINT(str) ldx #str \ jsr print #DEFINE SetVDG(setting) ldaa #setting \ staa vdgport ;#DEFINE SetBGColor(setting) ldaa #setting \ staa BGColor \ staa BGColor+1 ;************************************************** ;************************************************** ;************************************************** START org $8000 ;where to store out program ;************************************************** ;* NAME: textdemo ;************************************************** ;* DESCRIPTION: ;* a short program to demonstrate the use of ;* routines in the graphics library ;************************************************** Textdemo: ; save the registers we will modify ; psha ; pshb ; pshx ; ldd #$FFFF ; row, col ldd #$0000 ; row, col std BGColor ; set the background color ; jsr invert_mem jsr cls ; ldaa #RG6 ;+CSS ; the graphics and color mode ; staa vdgport ; set it SetVDG(RG6) ; set the graphics mode ldd #0 std row ; clear row and column, they are consecutive bytes on the direct page ; 64 character/line demo, prints entire character set ldx #String ; point to our string buffer ldaa #' ' ; the first character in the font lllm: staa ,x ; save it to the string inx ; next string address inca ; next character cmpa #'~'+1 ; are we past the last character in the font? bne lllm ldaa #0 ; zero terminate the string staa ,x start: PRINT(String) bra start rts ;************************************************** ;* NAME: cls ;************************************************** ;* DESCRIPTION: ;* Clears the screen memory to zeros ;* ;* The stack pointer is used as 2nd pointer register ;* but interrupts must be disabled to do this. ;* We could just use X as a pointer but PSHX is faster ;* than the alternative code ;************************************************** cls pshx pshb ; psha tsx ; copy stack pointer to x stx stacktmp ; wai ;<- uncomment if you want to make sure cls takes place between interrupts sei ;disable interrupts lds #screen+(BytesPerLine*(ScreenHeight))-1 ;last screen address. ; txs ;point S to screen top ldx BGColor ;clear the screen to the background color ldab #((BytesPerLine*(ScreenHeight))/32) ;number of loops to clear screen _clsloop: pshx ; Partially unrolled loop clears at least an entire screen row each pass pshx ; lets us use an 8 bit loop counter even in RG6 pshx ; so we don't have to dec and test LSB and MSB of loop counter (there is no DECD instruction) pshx ; 32 bytes / pass = first power of 2 with loop counter below 256 (fits in 1 byte) pshx ; Fewer loops also requires fewer loop instructions to execute pshx ; and saves a lot of clock cycles. pshx pshx pshx pshx pshx pshx pshx pshx pshx pshx decb ;decrement loop counter bne _clsloop ;branch until it equals zero ldx stacktmp txs ;restore the stack pointer cli ;enable interrupts ; pula pulb pulx rts ;************************************************** ;* Description: ;* scroll the 24 line display ;* Must reserve 4 bytes of RAM below screen in case of interrupt on ;************************************************** ;68hc11 version ;#define MScroll(A) ldx A+30,y \ pshx \ ldx A+28,y \ pshx \ ldx A+26,y \ pshx \ ldx A+24,y \ pshx \ ldx A+22,y \ pshx \ ldx A+20,y \ pshx \ ldx A+18,y \ pshx \ ldx A+16,y \ pshx \ ldx A+14,y \ pshx \ ldx A+12,y \ pshx \ ldx A+10,y \ pshx \ ldx A+8,y \ pshx \ ldx A+6,y \ pshx \ ldx A+4,y \ pshx \ ldx A+2,y \ pshx \ ldx A,y \ pshx #define MScroll(A) ldd A+30,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+28,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+26,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+24,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+22,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+20,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+18,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+16,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+14,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+12,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+10,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+8,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+6,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+4,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+2,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A,x \ pshb \ psha #define MScrollB(A) ldd A+30,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+28,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+26,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+24,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+22,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+20,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+18,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+16,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+14,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+12,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+10,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+8,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+6,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+4,x \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A+2,x \ sei \ pshb \ psha \ ldd A,x \ pshb \ psha #define ClLine pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx #define ClLine2 pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ sei \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx \ pshx .MODULE Scroll scroll: ldaa #23 ; ldaa #15 staa temp0 ; loop counter ldx #screen+(BytesPerLine*8) ; sts stacktmp ; save the stack pointer ; lds #screen+(BytesPerLine*8)-1 ; character line +1 txs ;the scroll section _scrolla: MScroll(224) ; for scrolling all lines instead of erasing one. MScroll(192) MScroll(160) MScroll(128) MScroll(96) MScroll(64) MScroll(32) MScrollB(0) dec temp0 ; decrement our loop counter ble nxtscroll ; exit if we are done ldab #255 ; adjust x for the next text row abx inx txs cli jmp _scrolla ; keep going until we've scrolled every text row nxtscroll: ;clear the bottom charater row lds #screen+(BytesPerLine*(ScreenHeight))-1 ;last screen address. cli ldx BGColor ; clear x for use in the macro ClLine ; clear the top line of the text row ClLine ; next one down ClLine ; and so on ClLine ClLine ClLine ClLine ClLine2 ; last one, use a different macro to disable interrupts for the last 8 bytes ; we don't want an interrupt to overwrite memory below this line ;restore stack & interrupts lds stacktmp ; restore the stack pointer cli ; enable interrupts rts ; done ;************************************************** ;* invert_mem ;************************************************** ;* nope length contains the length ;************************************************** invert_mem: ldx #leftfont nxtaddr: ldd ,x ; get original byte eora #$FF ; invert it eorb #$FF ; invert it std ,x ; write it back inx inx cpx #String bne nxtaddr rts ;************************************************** ;* print_at ;************************************************** ;* Prints a string at a screen location ;* works similar to print@ in BASIC ;* d contains @ location ;* x contains string pointer ;* falls through to _print ;************************************************** ;.MODULE Print_AT print_at: stab temp0 ;save it andb #(BytesPerLine*2)-1 ;111111 ;mask of row bits stab col ;save the column ldab temp0 ;restore it andb #254-(BytesPerLine*2) ;%11000000 ;mask off column bits lsld ;rotate bits into a lsld staa row ;save row ;************************************************** ;* print ;************************************************** ;* Prints a zero terminated string at the current x,y location ;* x contains the string pointer ;************************************************** .MODULE Print print: ldaa col lsra bcs prn1 ; print single char if we are on the right nibble prn4: ; see if we can print 2 characters at once ldd ,x ; get next 2 characters from the string cmpa #0 beq _printexit ; exit if first char is a string terminator cmpb #0 beq prn2 ; print single char if 2nd char a string terminator ; print 2 characters pshx jsr print_642 pulx ; inc string pointer and column an extra time since we printed 2 characters ; since we know we were on a byte boundary we know we won't be going more than one column past the end of the line inx inc col bra prn3 ; continue with normal return from printing prn1: ldaa ,x cmpa #0 beq _printexit ; exit if it's a zero prn2: pshx jsr print_64 ; print the character pulx ; restore x prn3: inx ; increment the string pointer x ;update column, row, and scroll when needed inc col ; next column ldaa col cmpa #(BytesPerLine*2) ; 64 chsrs / line (0-63) bne prn4 ; is column past the end of a line? clr col ; set column to zero inc row ; increment row ldaa row cmpa #(ScreenHeight/8) ; 24 lines (0-23) ; cmpa #16 ; 16 lines (0-23) *for debugging* bne prn4 dec row pshx ; save x jsr scroll ; scroll the screen pulx ; restore x bra prn4 ; keep printing _printexit: ; we are done rts ;************************************************** ;* NAME: scroll ;************************************************** ; NAME: print_64 ;************************************************** ;* Description: ;* 64 Column text display driver ;* Routine does not print at pixel X,Y but ;* prints at a character position. ;* Once a string printing routine is written, ;* some of the code may be moved to that. ;************************************************** .MODULE Print_64 print_64: ldab #7 ; 7 bytes per character mul ; multiply them std temp0 ; save font offset ldd row ; screen offset lsrb bcs rightnibble ;************************************************** ;* left nibble ;************************************************** addd #screen ; 7 row font data, top line of character is always blank so skip it std SCRNl+1 ; transfer to x for our screen pointer SCRNl: ldx #0000 ; self modifying code ldd #leftfont-225 addd temp0 std CHARPTRl+1 ; save to character pointer sts stacktmp1+1 ; save the stack pointer sei ; disable interrupts CHARPTRl: ; for self modifying code lds #0000 ; point the stack to the current character ; lds charptr ; point the stack to the current character ;start printing ldaa BGColor ; load background color to A and write it to the screen staa ,x ; the top row of the font is always blank pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 32,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 32,x staa 32,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 64,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 64,x staa 64,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 96,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 96,x staa 96,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 128,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 128,x staa 128,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 160,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 160,x staa 160,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 192,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 192,x staa 192,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 224,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #%11110000 ; mask off unused half ; eora 224,x staa 224,x ;restore stack pointer and interrupts stacktmp1: lds #0000 ; restore the stack pointer cli ; enable interrupts rts ; return ;************************************************** ;* right nibble ;************************************************** rightnibble: addd #screen ; 7 row font data, top line of character is always blank so skip it std SCRNr+1 ; transfer to x for our screen pointer SCRNr: ldx #0000 ; self modifying code ldd #rightfont-225 addd temp0 std CHARPTRr+1 ; save to character pointer sts stacktmp ; save the stack pointer sei ; disable interrupts CHARPTRr: ; for self modifying code lds #0000 ; point the stack to the current character ; lds charptr ; point the stack to the current character ;start printing ldaa BGColor ; load background color to A and write it to the screen staa ,x ; the top row of the font is always blank pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 32,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 32,x staa 32,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 64,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 64,x staa 64,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 96,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 96,x staa 96,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 128,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 128,x staa 128,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 160,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 160,x staa 160,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 192,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 192,x staa 192,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data eora 224,x ; read byte at destination ; anda #001111 ; mask off unused half ; eora 224,x staa 224,x ;restore stack pointer and interrupts lds stacktmp ; restore the stack pointer cli ; enable interrupts rts ; return ;************************************************** ; write two characters at once ;************************************************** print_642: ; ldaa ,x ldab #7 ; 7 bytes per character mul ; multiply them addd #leftfont-225 ; base address of font, -224 to subtract ' ' from char, -1 to adjust for using stack as a pointer std leftchar ; save to character pointer ldaa 1,x ldab #7 ; 7 bytes per character mul ; multiply them addd #rightfont-224 ; base address of font, -224 to subtract ' ' from char std rightchar ldd row ; put the row to the MSB, col in LSB lsrb addd #screen ; 7 row font data, top line of character is always blank so skip it std fscreen ; transfer to x for our screen pointer sts stacktmp ; save the stack pointer ; sei ; disable interrupts ; lds leftchar ; point the stack to the current character twochar: ldaa BGColor ; load background color to A and write it to the screen ldx fscreen staa ,x ; the top row of the font is always blank sei ; disable interrupts lds leftchar ; point the stack to the current character pula ; get byte of first character and point to next byte data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 0,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 32,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 1,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 64,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 2,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 96,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 3,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 128,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 4,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 160,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 5,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 192,x pula ; get byte of font and point to next font data ldx rightchar ; point to right char eora 6,x ; add the right character to the byte ldx fscreen ; point to screen staa 224,x ;restore stack pointer and interrupts lds stacktmp ; restore the stack pointer cli ; enable interrupts rts ; return ;************************************************** ; HALF WIDTH 4x8 FONT ; Top row is always zero and not stored (336 bytes) ; characters are 4 bits wide and 7 bits high ; (the top row is always blank) ;************************************************** .MODULE Font leftfont: fcb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; fcb $20, $20, $20, $20, $00, $20, $00 ;! fcb $50, $50, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ;" fcb $20, $70, $20, $20, $70, $20, $00 ;# fcb $20, $70, $60, $30, $70, $20, $00 ;$ fcb $50, $10, $20, $20, $40, $50, $00 ;% fcb $20, $40, $30, $50, $50, $30, $00 ;& fcb $20, $20, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ;' fcb $10, $20, $40, $40, $40, $20, $10 ;( fcb $40, $20, $10, $10, $10, $20, $40 ;) fcb $20, $70, $20, $50, $00, $00, $00 ;* fcb $00, $00, $20, $70, $20, $00, $00 ;+ fcb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $20, $20 ;, fcb $00, $00, $00, $70, $00, $00, $00 ;- fcb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $10, $00 ;. fcb $10, $10, $20, $20, $40, $40, $00 ;/ fcb $20, $50, $50, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;0 fcb $20, $60, $20, $20, $20, $70, $00 ;1 fcb $20, $50, $10, $20, $40, $70, $00 ;2 fcb $70, $10, $20, $10, $50, $20, $00 ;3 fcb $50, $50, $50, $70, $10, $10, $00 ;4 fcb $70, $40, $60, $10, $50, $20, $00 ;5 fcb $10, $20, $60, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;6 fcb $70, $10, $10, $20, $20, $20, $00 ;7 fcb $20, $50, $20, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;8 fcb $20, $50, $50, $30, $20, $40, $00 ;9 fcb $00, $00, $20, $00, $00, $20, $00 ;: fcb $00, $00, $20, $00, $00, $20, $20 ;; fcb $00, $10, $20, $40, $20, $10, $00 ;< fcb $00, $00, $70, $00, $70, $00, $00 ;= fcb $00, $40, $20, $10, $20, $40, $00 ;> fcb $20, $50, $10, $20, $00, $20, $00 ;? fcb $20, $50, $70, $70, $40, $30, $00 ;@ fcb $30, $50, $50, $70, $50, $50, $00 ;A fcb $60, $50, $60, $50, $50, $60, $00 ;B fcb $30, $40, $40, $40, $40, $30, $00 ;C fcb $60, $50, $50, $50, $50, $60, $00 ;D fcb $70, $40, $60, $40, $40, $70, $00 ;E fcb $70, $40, $60, $40, $40, $40, $00 ;F fcb $30, $40, $40, $50, $50, $30, $00 ;G fcb $50, $50, $70, $50, $50, $50, $00 ;H fcb $70, $20, $20, $20, $20, $70, $00 ;I fcb $30, $10, $10, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;J fcb $50, $50, $60, $50, $50, $50, $00 ;K fcb $40, $40, $40, $40, $40, $70, $00 ;L fcb $50, $70, $50, $50, $50, $50, $00 ;M fcb $60, $50, $50, $50, $50, $50, $00 ;N fcb $20, $50, $50, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;O fcb $60, $50, $50, $60, $40, $40, $00 ;P fcb $20, $50, $50, $50, $50, $30, $00 ;Q fcb $60, $50, $50, $60, $50, $50, $00 ;R fcb $30, $40, $20, $10, $50, $20, $00 ;S fcb $70, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $00 ;T fcb $50, $50, $50, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;U fcb $50, $50, $50, $50, $20, $20, $00 ;V fcb $50, $50, $50, $50, $70, $50, $00 ;W fcb $50, $50, $20, $20, $50, $50, $00 ;X fcb $50, $50, $50, $20, $20, $20, $00 ;Y fcb $70, $10, $20, $20, $40, $70, $00 ;Z fcb $30, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $30 ;[ fcb $40, $40, $20, $20, $10, $10, $00 ;\ fcb $60, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $60 ;] fcb $20, $50, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ;^ fcb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $F0 ;_ fcb $20, $10, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ;£ fcb $00, $00, $30, $50, $50, $30, $00 ;a fcb $40, $40, $60, $50, $50, $60, $00 ;b fcb $00, $00, $30, $40, $40, $30, $00 ;c fcb $10, $10, $30, $50, $50, $30, $00 ;d fcb $00, $00, $20, $50, $60, $30, $00 ;e fcb $10, $20, $70, $20, $20, $40, $00 ;f fcb $00, $00, $30, $50, $50, $30, $60 ;g fcb $40, $40, $60, $50, $50, $50, $00 ;h fcb $20, $00, $60, $20, $20, $70, $00 ;i fcb $10, $00, $30, $10, $10, $50, $20 ;j fcb $40, $40, $50, $60, $50, $50, $00 ;k fcb $60, $20, $20, $20, $20, $70, $00 ;l fcb $00, $00, $50, $70, $50, $50, $00 ;m fcb $00, $00, $60, $50, $50, $50, $00 ;n fcb $00, $00, $20, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;o fcb $00, $00, $60, $50, $50, $60, $40 ;p fcb $00, $00, $30, $50, $50, $30, $10 ;q fcb $00, $00, $50, $60, $40, $40, $00 ;r fcb $00, $00, $30, $60, $30, $60, $00 ;s fcb $00, $20, $70, $20, $20, $10, $00 ;t fcb $00, $00, $50, $50, $50, $20, $00 ;u fcb $00, $00, $50, $50, $20, $20, $00 ;v fcb $00, $00, $50, $50, $70, $50, $00 ;w fcb $00, $00, $50, $20, $20, $50, $00 ;x fcb $00, $00, $50, $50, $50, $30, $60 ;y fcb $00, $00, $70, $30, $60, $70, $00 ;z fcb $10, $20, $20, $40, $20, $20, $10 ;{ fcb $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $20, $00 ;| fcb $40, $20, $20, $10, $20, $20, $40 ;} fcb $50, $a0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ;~ fcb $60, $90, $60, $40, $60, $90, $60 ;© rightfont: fcb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; 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