Some work in progress verilog code for the VZ/Laser SuperExpander board I was working on.
The Super Expander was planned to add the following features to the VZ200/300/Laser/etc...:
The plan was to create an extended BASIC, DOS for the IDE port similar to that for the TRS-80, a custom CP/M version that used the 64 column high resolution graphics text code, and an additional ROM image for a TRS-80 Model I/III emulator. The last item would only be compatible at the BASIC level and only if the code didn't use assembly language due to hardware differences.
The project was stopped when my VZ200 was destroyed in a fire, leaving me nothing to test the hardware on. If I ever obtain a working VZ, I might continue the project.
This was a just a first pass at the design. The MMU was going to be simplified to reduce the pin count of the CPLD by dropping the dip switch configuration of internal memory size in favor of just assuming there wasn't any internal RAM and disabling it by default. Any program that wanted to use it would have to test it on it's own. The IDE port was the last thing added and it is incomplete.
Preparations were being made to encode the chip selects to reduce the pin count on the CPLD. It would require an external decoder, but it would fee up lines for the IDE port.
*edit* As usual, Blogger destroyed the source code formatting, and this has not reached a testable state.
// Company:
// Engineer: James Diffendaffer
// Copyright(c) 2015
// Create Date: April 8, 2015.
// Design Name:
// Module Name: .
// Project Name: VZ SuperExpander
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// VTec Super Expansion, 3 sound chips + stereo DAC - (SN76489N) (YMZ284 AY compatible) (YM2413) (AD7528)
// Inputs:
// Dip switch - 2 switches, select VZ's amount of built in RAM
// Address lines from Z80
// Data lines from Z80
// *IORQ - from Z80
// /RD - from Z80
// /WR - from Z80
// /RESET from Z80
// Outputs:
// /SNCS - Chip select for SN sound chip
// /AYCS - Chip select for AY sound chip
// /YMCS - Chip select for YM OPL sound chip
// /DACS - Chip select for Stereo DAC Chip
// /IDE__SEL - IDE I/O Port region enable
// A14-A18 (5 upper address lines for RAM)
// RAM /CS (A0-A15 from Z80 tied to A0-A13 on RAM and CPLD, D0-D7 tied to DQ0-DQ7, *MREQ tied to /OE, *OUT tied to /WE)
// FLASH CE# (A0-A15 tied to A0-15, D0-D7 tied to I/O0-7, OE# tied to *IN, WE# tied to *OUT)
// Registers
// Memory Page - Port $7F
// 5 bits, selects the 16K RAM page to appear at the top of RAM. Enough lines to page remainder of 512K RAM
// Memory map select - Port $7E
// Controls internal memory map disable line and chip select lines
// Bit 1-0
// 00 ROM in bottom 16K
// 01 FLASH in bottom 16K
// 10 Same as 11
// 11 Expansion RAM in bottom 16K
// Bit 2
// 0 FLASH in 12K expansion area
// 1 Expansion RAM in 12K expansion area
// Bit 3
// 0 Memory Mapped I/O
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 4
// 0 Video RAM
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 5
// 0 Built in RAM enabled
// 1 Expansion RAM enabled
// Bit 6 only set according to dip switch on startup, not program selectable
// 0 Built in memory can't be disabled
// 1 Built in memory can be disabled
// Decodes default RAM config (dip switch) on startup for different default amounts of memory these machines came with.
// No built in RAM (so defective internal RAM can be removed) b00: $7800 - $FFFF
// Laser 200 2K b01: $7800 - $7FFF
// Laser/VZ 200 210 4K b10: $7800 - $8FFF
// Laser VZ 300 310 16K b11: $7800 - $B7FF
// Pages top 16K of 64K address space within 512K ROM. $C000 - $FFFF
// If A14 OR A15 is set, we are in page RAM.
// Page IO port is at address $7F
// 5 page bits held by latch determine page, output to RAM when in page area. Output b00000 to upper RAM address lines when not.
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module VZSuperExpander (
// I/O lines and register definitions
input RESET; // load defaults on reset
// Memory Address and Data buss
input [15:0] ADDRESS; // Address buss input
input [7:0] DATA; // Data buss input
// Memory control
input [1:0] RAM_CONFIG; // Built in RAM dip switch Configuration 2K, 4K, 16K
output RAM_CS; // RAM Chip Select
output FLASH_CS; // FLASH Chip Select
reg [4:0] RAM_PAGE_REG; // RAM Page select register
////////// is this ok or do I need to use output [4:0] RAM_HIGH ????
output [18:14] RAM_HIGH; // Based on RAM page select and location in memory, address lines A14-A18 on 512K RAM chip
input DECODE_DEFEAT; // Dip switch tells us if the computer supports disabling internal memory map decoding
reg VZ_DECODE_REG; // VZ memory mapping enable/disable register
output VZ_DECODE_SEL; // Disables/enables VZ internal memory map decoding
// sound chip control
output SN_CS; // SN76489A sound chip select
output AY_CS; // AY - YMZ284 sound chip select
output YM_CS; // YM2413 FM sound chip select
output DAC_CS; // AD7528 Stereo DAC chip select
// IDE interface control
output IDE_SEL; // IDE Port Select 0 or 1
//output IDE_DRIVE_SELECT; // IDE Drive # Select
//output IDE_PORT_REG; // IDE control port number to access
// Z80 IO Control lines
input WR_EN; // Write enable /WR
input RD_EN; // Read enable /RD
input IORQ; // IO memory request /IORQ
// IO read and write control
output WRITE; // /WR AND /IORQ rename to IORD
output READ; // /RD AND /IORQ rename to IOWR
// internal signal indicating non port I/O
wire MEM_REQ; // Memory access request /MEM_REQ
// initial setup
VZ_DECODE_REG <= 1'b1; // clear the internal memory mapping disable control register
RAM_PAGE_REG <= 5'b00000; // clear the RAM bank select register
MEM_REQ <= 1'b1; // clear the MEMory REQest line
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // IDE Disabled
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b0 // IDE Drive 0 is default
SN_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the SN chip select
AY_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the AY chip select
YM_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the YM chip select
DAC_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the DAC chip select
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// handle reset (same as initial)
always @(negedge RESET)
VZ_DECODE_REG <= 1'b1; // clear the internal memory mapping disable control register
RAM_PAGE_REG <= 5'b00000; // clear the RAM bank select register
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // IDE Disabled
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b0 // IDE Drive 0 is default
SN_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the SN chip select
AY_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the AY chip select
YM_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the YM chip select
DAC_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the DAC chip select
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// Common behavior for I/O Requests
// Generate read and write lines for IO ports
// Enable the regular memory map
// Disable Expansion RAM
// Disable FLASH
always @(IORQ)
WRITE <= ~WR_EN ~& ~IORQ; // AND the signals together so /WR is only active when /IORQ is active
READ <= ~RD_EN ~& ~IORQ; // AND the signals together so /RD is only active when /IORQ is active
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1); // Enable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// Generate MEM_REQ signal
// Do I use blocking or non-blocking?
// Valid always statement?
always @((WR_EN or RE_EN) and ~IORQ)
if((WR_EN == 1'b0 or RE_EN == 1'b0) and IORQ == 1'b1)
MEM_REQ <= 1'b0;
MEM_REQ <= 1'b1;
// Memory Mapping I/O Ports
// Sound chip address decoding. $A0-$A7
// Generate the chip select signals based on the memory address and IOREQ signal from the Z80
// added negedge but didn't remove if(IOREQ = 0) yet. Should I?
always @(IOREQ)
// check to see if there is an IO REQest
if(IOREQ == 0)
// check to see if we are in I/O block with sound chips
// I did this to make it easy to relocate the entire group all at once
if(address[7:4] == 4'hA) // I/O port $A#
// check address for each sound chip
case (address[3:1])
3'b000: // Stereo DAC ports $#0-$#1
DAC_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the DAC chip select if so
3'b001: // SN I/O port $#2-$#3 (only requires $#2 but $#3 is reserved for status read if I add it)
if(address[0] == 1'b0) // is it a write?
SN_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the SN chip select if so
else // must be a read
// data[7] == SN_STATUS; // enable status read
3'b010: // AY I/O ports $#4-$#5
AY_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the AY chip select if so
3'b011: // YM I/O ports $#6-$#7
YM_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the YM chip select if so
// Make sure all sound chips are disabled when IOREQ is inactive
SN_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the SN chip select
AY_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the AY chip select
YM_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the YM chip select
DAC_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the DAC chip select
// Set IO Disable register $AE
always @(negedge IOREQ)
if (address[7:0] == 8'hAE) // port $AE
// Set RAM Page control register $AF
always @(negedge IOREQ)
if (address[7:0] == 8'hAF) // port $AF
RAM_PAGE_REG <= DATA[4:0]; // RAM Page select register
// IDE Port %B0-$BF
always @(IOREQ)
if (address[7:4] == 4'hB)
//select IDE port range (16 in all address)
IDE_SEL <= 1'b0; // IDE Enabled
// set for drive number 0 or 1
// if (address[3:2] == 2'b00)
// else
// end
IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // IDE Disabled
// // Implement IDE as an external 8 bit latch to set the IDE port (address)
// // followed by the port access $AC-$AD
// if (address[7:4] == 4'hA)
// case(address[3:0])
// 4'hC:
// IDE_REG_SEL <= 1'b0; // Enable IDE Register Select
// IDE_PORT_REG <= DATA; // Set the port number to access
// if(IDE_PORT_REG > 7)
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b1; // set drive select for drive 1
// else
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b0; // set drive select for drive 0
// end
// 4'hD:
// IDE_SEL <= 1'b0; // IDE R/W port
// IDE_DATA_PORT <= DATA; // Write data to the port
// endcase
// else
// IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Disable IDE port
// IDE_REG_SEL <= 1'b1; // Disable IDE Register Select
// end
// Memory Maping non-I/O
// Generate Expansion RAM address lines A14-A18 based on page control register and address lines
// high address lines are only tied to RAM so no worry about conflict with the system address buss
always @(negedge MEM_REQ)
// Check to see if we are in paged RAM which is the top 16K $BFFF - $FFFF.
if (ADDRESS[15:14] != 2'b00) // check top two address lines to see if they are zero
RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // if not, high address lines are zero
RAM_HIGH <= RAM_PAGE_REG; // if so, high address lines are = the RAM page register
// 12 bit programmable timer interrupt
// Clock code
// Work in progress
// Do I need to time activation of the interrupt with the next system clock if I use my own clock?
wire TINS // Timer Interval NanoSeconds 1 = 278.365 nSec (3.58MHz) 0 = 63.695 uSec (15.87 KHz)
wire TMR // Timer interrupt control 1 = Enable 0 = Disable
TIMERCTRL[1:0]; // Timer Control
output SYSINT; // System Interrupt control line
input CLOCK_358; // Use clock driving sound chips for consistent timing
reg TIMERCTRL[7:0]; // Timer control register
reg TIMER[11:0]; // 12 bit timer
reg TIMERLSB[7:0]; // LSB of programmable timer
reg TIMERMSB[11:8]; // MSB of programmable timer
always @(negedge CLOCK_358)
if(TMR == 1'b1) // is the interrupt enabled
if(TINS == 1) // 278.365 nSec (3.58MHz)
TIMER <= TIMER - 12'h001; // decrement the timer
if (TIMER == 12'h000) // has time expired?
SYSINT <= 1'b0; // trigger an interrupt. Time with next Systen Clock negedge?
TIMER <= {TIMERMSB,TIMERLSB}; // reload the timer
else //63.695 uSec (15.87 KHz)
// divide the clock by using a 2nd counter
if (TIMERCLKDIV == 1'b0) // has the clock divider expired?
TIMERCLKDIV <= 8'd225; // reload the clock divider counter (double check divider value)
TIMER <= TIMER - 12'h001; // decrement the timer
if (TIMER[11:0] == 12'h000) // has time expired?
SYSINT <= 1'b0; // trigger an interrupt
TIMER <= {TIMERMSB,TIMERLSB}; // reload the timer
// else // timer interrupt is disabled
// 12 bit programmable timer interrupt
// User control interface
// Work in progress
// Appears in memory as follows:
// LSB (low 8 bits of timer)
// MSB (4 upper bits of timer)
// Timer Control Register (bit 0 = INTerrupt enable/disable, bit 1 = Timer INterrupt status )
always @(negedge IORQ) //TIMERLSB or TIMERMSB or TIMERCTRL)
if(IORQ == 0)
case (address[7:0])
// Timer LSB
if(WRITE == 0)
TIMERLSB <= DATA; // Load Least Significant BYTE
// Timer MSB
if(WRITE == 0)
TIMERMSB <= DATA[0:3]; // Load Most Significant bits of timer
TMR == 1'b1; //start timer here
// Timer Control
if(WRITE == 0)
INT <= DATA[0];
TINS <= DATA[1];
else // read
SYSINT = 1'b1
// Memory mapping for FLASH memory and RAM
// Should I split this up?
// Generate the VZ address decoding disable/enable signal
// can I use a register for always?
// changes to VZ_DECODE_REG
// Bit 1-0
// 00 ROM in bottom 16K
// 01 FLASH in bottom 16K
// 10 Same as 11
// 11 Expansion RAM in bottom 16K
// Bit 2
// 0 FLASH in 12K expansion area
// 1 Expansion RAM in 12K expansion area
// Bit 3
// 0 Memory Mapped I/O
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 4
// 0 Video RAM
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 6
// 0 Built in RAM enabled
// 1 Expansion RAM enabled
// Bit 7 only set according to dip switch on startup, not program selectable
// 0 Built in memory can't be disabled
// 1 Built in memory can be disabled
always @(MEM_REQ)
// only respond to memory access requests
if(MEM_REQ == 1'b1)
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// Find what part of the memory map we are in
// and set up memory accordingly
if(ADDRESS[15:12] < 4'H4) // $0000 - $3FFF : Built In ROM, FLASH, Expansion RAM
// First 16K ROM/FLASH/RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[1:0])
2'b01: // FLASH
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable FLASH
2'b10, // Expansion RAM
2'b11: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
2'b00: // Built in ROM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H68) // $4000 - $67FF : FLASH, Expansion RAM
// ROM/Cart expansion Nothing/FLASH/RAM This only needs 1 bit
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[2])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // FLASH
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H70) // $6800 - $6FFF : Memory Mapped I/O, Expansion RAM
// Memory Mapped IO/Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[3])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Memory Mapped IO
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H78) // $7000 - $77FF : Video RAM, Expansion RAM
// Video RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[4])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Video RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H80) // $7800 - $7FFF : 2K-16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H88) // $8000 - $87FF : 4K-16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'HB0) // $8800 - $8FFF : 6K-16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'HB8) // $9000 - $B7FF : 16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
default: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 4'HC) // $B800 - $FFFF : Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] >= 4'HC) // $B800 - $FFFF : Paged Expansion RAM $4000 $BFFF
// RAM_HIGH <= RAM_PAGE_REG; // Set high address lines to page register contents
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// copied here to reduce number of chip select lines in final part
// currently unused.
module encoder (value, gray_code);
//input [7:0] value;
input [6:0] value;
output [3:0] gray_code;
case (value)
8’b00000001 : gray_code = 3’b000;
8’b00000010 : gray_code = 3’b001;
8’b00000100 : gray_code = 3’b011;
8’b00001000 : gray_code = 3’b010;
8’b00010000 : gray_code = 3’b110;
8’b00100000 : gray_code = 3’b111;
8’b01000000 : gray_code = 3’b101;
// 8’b10000000 : gray_code = 3’b100;
The Super Expander was planned to add the following features to the VZ200/300/Laser/etc...:
- Optional SN and/or AY sound chips
- A stereo DAC
- A programmable timer interrupt patterned after the timer on the CoCo 3, but in little endian format for the Z80. Mostly included to simplify sample playback.
- An MMU to control memory paging including the ability to disable internal hardware address decoding when combined with the mod I posted to the Yahoo group. This lets the board replace internal hardware with RAM, FLASH, and paged extended memory.
- FLASH memory with a custom Extended BASIC, DOS and other options.
- At least 512K of RAM
- An IDE port
The plan was to create an extended BASIC, DOS for the IDE port similar to that for the TRS-80, a custom CP/M version that used the 64 column high resolution graphics text code, and an additional ROM image for a TRS-80 Model I/III emulator. The last item would only be compatible at the BASIC level and only if the code didn't use assembly language due to hardware differences.
The project was stopped when my VZ200 was destroyed in a fire, leaving me nothing to test the hardware on. If I ever obtain a working VZ, I might continue the project.
This was a just a first pass at the design. The MMU was going to be simplified to reduce the pin count of the CPLD by dropping the dip switch configuration of internal memory size in favor of just assuming there wasn't any internal RAM and disabling it by default. Any program that wanted to use it would have to test it on it's own. The IDE port was the last thing added and it is incomplete.
Preparations were being made to encode the chip selects to reduce the pin count on the CPLD. It would require an external decoder, but it would fee up lines for the IDE port.
*edit* As usual, Blogger destroyed the source code formatting, and this has not reached a testable state.
// Company:
// Engineer: James Diffendaffer
// Copyright(c) 2015
// Create Date: April 8, 2015.
// Design Name:
// Module Name: .
// Project Name: VZ SuperExpander
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// VTec Super Expansion, 3 sound chips + stereo DAC - (SN76489N) (YMZ284 AY compatible) (YM2413) (AD7528)
// Inputs:
// Dip switch - 2 switches, select VZ's amount of built in RAM
// Address lines from Z80
// Data lines from Z80
// *IORQ - from Z80
// /RD - from Z80
// /WR - from Z80
// /RESET from Z80
// Outputs:
// /SNCS - Chip select for SN sound chip
// /AYCS - Chip select for AY sound chip
// /YMCS - Chip select for YM OPL sound chip
// /DACS - Chip select for Stereo DAC Chip
// /IDE__SEL - IDE I/O Port region enable
// A14-A18 (5 upper address lines for RAM)
// RAM /CS (A0-A15 from Z80 tied to A0-A13 on RAM and CPLD, D0-D7 tied to DQ0-DQ7, *MREQ tied to /OE, *OUT tied to /WE)
// FLASH CE# (A0-A15 tied to A0-15, D0-D7 tied to I/O0-7, OE# tied to *IN, WE# tied to *OUT)
// Registers
// Memory Page - Port $7F
// 5 bits, selects the 16K RAM page to appear at the top of RAM. Enough lines to page remainder of 512K RAM
// Memory map select - Port $7E
// Controls internal memory map disable line and chip select lines
// Bit 1-0
// 00 ROM in bottom 16K
// 01 FLASH in bottom 16K
// 10 Same as 11
// 11 Expansion RAM in bottom 16K
// Bit 2
// 0 FLASH in 12K expansion area
// 1 Expansion RAM in 12K expansion area
// Bit 3
// 0 Memory Mapped I/O
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 4
// 0 Video RAM
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 5
// 0 Built in RAM enabled
// 1 Expansion RAM enabled
// Bit 6 only set according to dip switch on startup, not program selectable
// 0 Built in memory can't be disabled
// 1 Built in memory can be disabled
// Decodes default RAM config (dip switch) on startup for different default amounts of memory these machines came with.
// No built in RAM (so defective internal RAM can be removed) b00: $7800 - $FFFF
// Laser 200 2K b01: $7800 - $7FFF
// Laser/VZ 200 210 4K b10: $7800 - $8FFF
// Laser VZ 300 310 16K b11: $7800 - $B7FF
// Pages top 16K of 64K address space within 512K ROM. $C000 - $FFFF
// If A14 OR A15 is set, we are in page RAM.
// Page IO port is at address $7F
// 5 page bits held by latch determine page, output to RAM when in page area. Output b00000 to upper RAM address lines when not.
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module VZSuperExpander (
// I/O lines and register definitions
input RESET; // load defaults on reset
// Memory Address and Data buss
input [15:0] ADDRESS; // Address buss input
input [7:0] DATA; // Data buss input
// Memory control
input [1:0] RAM_CONFIG; // Built in RAM dip switch Configuration 2K, 4K, 16K
output RAM_CS; // RAM Chip Select
output FLASH_CS; // FLASH Chip Select
reg [4:0] RAM_PAGE_REG; // RAM Page select register
////////// is this ok or do I need to use output [4:0] RAM_HIGH ????
output [18:14] RAM_HIGH; // Based on RAM page select and location in memory, address lines A14-A18 on 512K RAM chip
input DECODE_DEFEAT; // Dip switch tells us if the computer supports disabling internal memory map decoding
reg VZ_DECODE_REG; // VZ memory mapping enable/disable register
output VZ_DECODE_SEL; // Disables/enables VZ internal memory map decoding
// sound chip control
output SN_CS; // SN76489A sound chip select
output AY_CS; // AY - YMZ284 sound chip select
output YM_CS; // YM2413 FM sound chip select
output DAC_CS; // AD7528 Stereo DAC chip select
// IDE interface control
output IDE_SEL; // IDE Port Select 0 or 1
//output IDE_DRIVE_SELECT; // IDE Drive # Select
//output IDE_PORT_REG; // IDE control port number to access
// Z80 IO Control lines
input WR_EN; // Write enable /WR
input RD_EN; // Read enable /RD
input IORQ; // IO memory request /IORQ
// IO read and write control
output WRITE; // /WR AND /IORQ rename to IORD
output READ; // /RD AND /IORQ rename to IOWR
// internal signal indicating non port I/O
wire MEM_REQ; // Memory access request /MEM_REQ
// initial setup
VZ_DECODE_REG <= 1'b1; // clear the internal memory mapping disable control register
RAM_PAGE_REG <= 5'b00000; // clear the RAM bank select register
MEM_REQ <= 1'b1; // clear the MEMory REQest line
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // IDE Disabled
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b0 // IDE Drive 0 is default
SN_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the SN chip select
AY_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the AY chip select
YM_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the YM chip select
DAC_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the DAC chip select
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// handle reset (same as initial)
always @(negedge RESET)
VZ_DECODE_REG <= 1'b1; // clear the internal memory mapping disable control register
RAM_PAGE_REG <= 5'b00000; // clear the RAM bank select register
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // IDE Disabled
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b0 // IDE Drive 0 is default
SN_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the SN chip select
AY_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the AY chip select
YM_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the YM chip select
DAC_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the DAC chip select
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// Common behavior for I/O Requests
// Generate read and write lines for IO ports
// Enable the regular memory map
// Disable Expansion RAM
// Disable FLASH
always @(IORQ)
WRITE <= ~WR_EN ~& ~IORQ; // AND the signals together so /WR is only active when /IORQ is active
READ <= ~RD_EN ~& ~IORQ; // AND the signals together so /RD is only active when /IORQ is active
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1); // Enable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// Generate MEM_REQ signal
// Do I use blocking or non-blocking?
// Valid always statement?
always @((WR_EN or RE_EN) and ~IORQ)
if((WR_EN == 1'b0 or RE_EN == 1'b0) and IORQ == 1'b1)
MEM_REQ <= 1'b0;
MEM_REQ <= 1'b1;
// Memory Mapping I/O Ports
// Sound chip address decoding. $A0-$A7
// Generate the chip select signals based on the memory address and IOREQ signal from the Z80
// added negedge but didn't remove if(IOREQ = 0) yet. Should I?
always @(IOREQ)
// check to see if there is an IO REQest
if(IOREQ == 0)
// check to see if we are in I/O block with sound chips
// I did this to make it easy to relocate the entire group all at once
if(address[7:4] == 4'hA) // I/O port $A#
// check address for each sound chip
case (address[3:1])
3'b000: // Stereo DAC ports $#0-$#1
DAC_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the DAC chip select if so
3'b001: // SN I/O port $#2-$#3 (only requires $#2 but $#3 is reserved for status read if I add it)
if(address[0] == 1'b0) // is it a write?
SN_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the SN chip select if so
else // must be a read
// data[7] == SN_STATUS; // enable status read
3'b010: // AY I/O ports $#4-$#5
AY_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the AY chip select if so
3'b011: // YM I/O ports $#6-$#7
YM_CS <= 1'b0; // enable the YM chip select if so
// Make sure all sound chips are disabled when IOREQ is inactive
SN_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the SN chip select
AY_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the AY chip select
YM_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the YM chip select
DAC_CS <= 1'b1; // disable the DAC chip select
// Set IO Disable register $AE
always @(negedge IOREQ)
if (address[7:0] == 8'hAE) // port $AE
// Set RAM Page control register $AF
always @(negedge IOREQ)
if (address[7:0] == 8'hAF) // port $AF
RAM_PAGE_REG <= DATA[4:0]; // RAM Page select register
// IDE Port %B0-$BF
always @(IOREQ)
if (address[7:4] == 4'hB)
//select IDE port range (16 in all address)
IDE_SEL <= 1'b0; // IDE Enabled
// set for drive number 0 or 1
// if (address[3:2] == 2'b00)
// else
// end
IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // IDE Disabled
// // Implement IDE as an external 8 bit latch to set the IDE port (address)
// // followed by the port access $AC-$AD
// if (address[7:4] == 4'hA)
// case(address[3:0])
// 4'hC:
// IDE_REG_SEL <= 1'b0; // Enable IDE Register Select
// IDE_PORT_REG <= DATA; // Set the port number to access
// if(IDE_PORT_REG > 7)
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b1; // set drive select for drive 1
// else
// IDE_DRIVE_SELECT <= 1'b0; // set drive select for drive 0
// end
// 4'hD:
// IDE_SEL <= 1'b0; // IDE R/W port
// IDE_DATA_PORT <= DATA; // Write data to the port
// endcase
// else
// IDE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Disable IDE port
// IDE_REG_SEL <= 1'b1; // Disable IDE Register Select
// end
// Memory Maping non-I/O
// Generate Expansion RAM address lines A14-A18 based on page control register and address lines
// high address lines are only tied to RAM so no worry about conflict with the system address buss
always @(negedge MEM_REQ)
// Check to see if we are in paged RAM which is the top 16K $BFFF - $FFFF.
if (ADDRESS[15:14] != 2'b00) // check top two address lines to see if they are zero
RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // if not, high address lines are zero
RAM_HIGH <= RAM_PAGE_REG; // if so, high address lines are = the RAM page register
// 12 bit programmable timer interrupt
// Clock code
// Work in progress
// Do I need to time activation of the interrupt with the next system clock if I use my own clock?
wire TINS // Timer Interval NanoSeconds 1 = 278.365 nSec (3.58MHz) 0 = 63.695 uSec (15.87 KHz)
wire TMR // Timer interrupt control 1 = Enable 0 = Disable
TIMERCTRL[1:0]; // Timer Control
output SYSINT; // System Interrupt control line
input CLOCK_358; // Use clock driving sound chips for consistent timing
reg TIMERCTRL[7:0]; // Timer control register
reg TIMER[11:0]; // 12 bit timer
reg TIMERLSB[7:0]; // LSB of programmable timer
reg TIMERMSB[11:8]; // MSB of programmable timer
always @(negedge CLOCK_358)
if(TMR == 1'b1) // is the interrupt enabled
if(TINS == 1) // 278.365 nSec (3.58MHz)
TIMER <= TIMER - 12'h001; // decrement the timer
if (TIMER == 12'h000) // has time expired?
SYSINT <= 1'b0; // trigger an interrupt. Time with next Systen Clock negedge?
TIMER <= {TIMERMSB,TIMERLSB}; // reload the timer
else //63.695 uSec (15.87 KHz)
// divide the clock by using a 2nd counter
if (TIMERCLKDIV == 1'b0) // has the clock divider expired?
TIMERCLKDIV <= 8'd225; // reload the clock divider counter (double check divider value)
TIMER <= TIMER - 12'h001; // decrement the timer
if (TIMER[11:0] == 12'h000) // has time expired?
SYSINT <= 1'b0; // trigger an interrupt
TIMER <= {TIMERMSB,TIMERLSB}; // reload the timer
// else // timer interrupt is disabled
// 12 bit programmable timer interrupt
// User control interface
// Work in progress
// Appears in memory as follows:
// LSB (low 8 bits of timer)
// MSB (4 upper bits of timer)
// Timer Control Register (bit 0 = INTerrupt enable/disable, bit 1 = Timer INterrupt status )
always @(negedge IORQ) //TIMERLSB or TIMERMSB or TIMERCTRL)
if(IORQ == 0)
case (address[7:0])
// Timer LSB
if(WRITE == 0)
TIMERLSB <= DATA; // Load Least Significant BYTE
// Timer MSB
if(WRITE == 0)
TIMERMSB <= DATA[0:3]; // Load Most Significant bits of timer
TMR == 1'b1; //start timer here
// Timer Control
if(WRITE == 0)
INT <= DATA[0];
TINS <= DATA[1];
else // read
SYSINT = 1'b1
// Memory mapping for FLASH memory and RAM
// Should I split this up?
// Generate the VZ address decoding disable/enable signal
// can I use a register for always?
// changes to VZ_DECODE_REG
// Bit 1-0
// 00 ROM in bottom 16K
// 01 FLASH in bottom 16K
// 10 Same as 11
// 11 Expansion RAM in bottom 16K
// Bit 2
// 0 FLASH in 12K expansion area
// 1 Expansion RAM in 12K expansion area
// Bit 3
// 0 Memory Mapped I/O
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 4
// 0 Video RAM
// 1 Expansion RAM
// Bit 6
// 0 Built in RAM enabled
// 1 Expansion RAM enabled
// Bit 7 only set according to dip switch on startup, not program selectable
// 0 Built in memory can't be disabled
// 1 Built in memory can be disabled
always @(MEM_REQ)
// only respond to memory access requests
if(MEM_REQ == 1'b1)
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// Find what part of the memory map we are in
// and set up memory accordingly
if(ADDRESS[15:12] < 4'H4) // $0000 - $3FFF : Built In ROM, FLASH, Expansion RAM
// First 16K ROM/FLASH/RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[1:0])
2'b01: // FLASH
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable FLASH
2'b10, // Expansion RAM
2'b11: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
2'b00: // Built in ROM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H68) // $4000 - $67FF : FLASH, Expansion RAM
// ROM/Cart expansion Nothing/FLASH/RAM This only needs 1 bit
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[2])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // FLASH
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H70) // $6800 - $6FFF : Memory Mapped I/O, Expansion RAM
// Memory Mapped IO/Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[3])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Memory Mapped IO
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H78) // $7000 - $77FF : Video RAM, Expansion RAM
// Video RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[4])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Video RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H80) // $7800 - $7FFF : 2K-16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'H88) // $8000 - $87FF : 4K-16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'HB0) // $8800 - $8FFF : 6K-16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
1'b0: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 8'HB8) // $9000 - $B7FF : 16K systems Built in RAM, Expansion RAM
// Built in RAM / Expansion RAM
case (VZ_DECODE_REG[5])
1'b1: // Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b0; // Disable Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
default: // Built in RAM
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] < 4'HC) // $B800 - $FFFF : Expansion RAM
// RAM_HIGH <= 5b'00000; // Set high address lines to zero
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
else if(ADDRESS[15:8] >= 4'HC) // $B800 - $FFFF : Paged Expansion RAM $4000 $BFFF
// RAM_HIGH <= RAM_PAGE_REG; // Set high address lines to page register contents
VZ_DECODE_SEL <= 1'b1; // Regular Memory Map
RAM_CS <= 1'b0; // Enable RAM
FLASH_CS <= 1'b1; // Disable FLASH
// copied here to reduce number of chip select lines in final part
// currently unused.
module encoder (value, gray_code);
//input [7:0] value;
input [6:0] value;
output [3:0] gray_code;
case (value)
8’b00000001 : gray_code = 3’b000;
8’b00000010 : gray_code = 3’b001;
8’b00000100 : gray_code = 3’b011;
8’b00001000 : gray_code = 3’b010;
8’b00010000 : gray_code = 3’b110;
8’b00100000 : gray_code = 3’b111;
8’b01000000 : gray_code = 3’b101;
// 8’b10000000 : gray_code = 3’b100;
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