Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Latest MC-10 ROM snapshot

The video is still uploading, but here is a snapshot of the difference in speed between the original MC-10 ROM and new one on the "Fedora" 3D Plot.  The SIN(), COS(), TAN(), and string compare are faster.
I'd make a video of a large sort to show off the string compare, but it's not as dramatic and would take several minutes to watch.


  1. Setting the emulator running the original ROM to 150% speed makes it almost as fast as the new ROM. Not quite.
    This *should* be enough to make the MC-10 beat the CoCo 1/2 using the high speed POKE, but I haven't tested that.

  2. That's just for this 3D Plot. It's just that much faster math, not everything else is that fast.
